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Who is Lou Lou Le Grand? What makes her the heiress of the "Le Grand" Department store. How did she began her fashion design? These are some questions that we want to know as we are about to learn Lou Lou for the first time.

The editor in chief of Dime Magazine, Mara Gelingen organised this one- on - one interview with our famous designer Lou Lou Le Grand. She has some questions that we want to know as a reader to who is Lou Lou as a fashion designer and as well as the heiress of the Le Grand department store in Paris.

Mara: Hello Lou Lou and how are you?

Lou Lou: I am fine and thank you, it is a privilege to be interviewed by you.

Mara: It's my pleasure to be here too.

Mara: So my first question is, who is Lou Lou Le Grand?

Lou Lou: Well, Lou Lou is a fashion enthusiast and loves to create clothes for people. I like to do something in creativity that's why fashion is my life.

Mara: Where does your name comes from?

Lou Lou: Lou Lou is a short name for Marilou and this is a combination of Marie and Lourge Le Grand which are my parents names. We come from St. Tropez where my parents originated.

Mara: Why did you become a fashion designer?

Lou Lou: It started when I visited my dad's department store. It was my playground and I was 8 years old then. I was always fascinated with the people around me and they are very stylish and super chic. Also, the department store has many clothes to choose from, so I always play dressing up. This prompt me since then to study fashion at Central St. Martins in London.

Mara: Speaking of the department store, as the only child of the Le Grand family. What it takes to become an heiress, is this a burden to you? Does this affect you in everyday life?

Lou Lou: Apparently, not at all because I can do whatever I want. I wasn't been a spoiled child in my entire life. Growing up, it was a bit hard because I don't have siblings to play with. However, I have cousins who always I played along. My parents did their best and taught me well about life for me to become who I am today. Becoming an heiress doesn't mean to be a burden but to my advantage. Since my fashion line was super successful, people tend to see me as a hard working girl. I wasn't been given money from my parent's to build my entire fashion line. I learn it on a hard way and earned my own money despite of having a rich family.

Mara: You have been busy working in your current design for "Lou Collection", tell us more about it?

Lou Lou: I am super excited to this new collection I am currently working with because there's a lot of story telling about the clothes. I like ruffles a lot and colours like blue and red. So for this season, expect on those elements that I just mentioned.

Mara: Do you have any message to the young girls and boys who are an aspiring designer like you?

Lou Lou: My message to every aspirant is to do whatever you love. Never give up on your dreams, as the saying goes " Dreams are hand made, Dreams are what we made of and Dreams do come true" by Joana Almagro. No matter what difficulties and challenges you encounter, just always remember that there's always a solution for every problem.

Mara: Your best friends are of course myself, Ella and Ysabelle how did we all met and how did we get along?

Lou Lou: It was a funny story as it began during the Red Gala Event in London where all the fashion enthusiasts were invited. And all four of us has the same bags during this event. It did click us though and made friends right away.

Mara: Super true! It was a fun night with everyone.

Now we know about Lou Lou Le Grand about her life and her fashion career. It seems to be that Lou Lou is an example of excellence and responsible. This what makes her as a woman that is confidently beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed our interview with Lou Lou Le Grand and see you next time!


Mara Gelingen

Chief Editor

Dime Magazine


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